Annual permafrost extents

climate geomorphology

Time-series of the extent of permafrost in the northern hemisphere


Permafrost underlies approximately one quarter of the terrestrial Northern Hemisphere. Under the threat of climate change, the warming soils lead permafrost to decrease in extent, affecting the microbial breakdown of organic carbon and the consequent release of greenhouse gases. This dataset allows us to observed the long-term variability of permafrost. Developed in the context of the Climate Change Initiative (CCI), this dataset covers the period of 1997 to 2018 at a 1-km resolution. We resampled this dataset to a 300-m resolution. When the permafrost cover was below 100%, the respective percent cover was divided equaly among the 300-m pixels underlying a 1-km pixel. Additionally, the period of 1992 to 1996 was covered by replicating the 1997 state.


percentCover | Per-pixel extent of permafrost (%)
content description
value_range 0…100

masDMT query

# data call without specifying subdataset and resolution

# data call for specific subdataset 

# data call to subdataset with a specific resolution



[1] Obu, Westermann, Bartsch, Berdnikov, Christiansen, Dashtseren, Delaloye, Elberling, Etzelmüller, Kholodov, Khomutov, Kääb, Leibman, Lewkowicz, Panda, Romanovsky, Way, Westergaard-Nielsen, Wu, Yamkhin, and Zou (2019)