Global hydrological basins


Deliniated of watershed at different hierarchical levels


These data were obtaiend from the HydroBASINS dataset, which offers spatial data on watershed boundaries at multiple hierarchical levels. The watershed deliniation follows the topological concept of the Pfafstetter coding system (levels 1-12). Here, we use only a subset of the afformentioned dataset, comprising Pfafstetter levels 2, 3, and 12.


level2 | Sub-continental basins
content description
HYBAS_ID Unique basin identifier
EXT_DOWN Hybas_id of the next downstream polygon
NEXT_SINK Hybas_id of the next downstream sink
MAIN_BAS Hybas_id of the most downstream sink, i.e. the outlet of the main river basin
DIST_SINK Distance from polygon outlet to the next downstream sink along the river network, in kilometers
DIST_MAIN Distance from polygon outlet to the most downstream sink, i.e. the outlet of the main river basin along the river network, in kilometers
SUB_AREA Area of the individual polygon (i.e. sub-basin), in square kilometers
UP_AREA Total upstream area, in square kilometers
PFAF_ID Pfafstetter code
SIDE Indicates the side of a sub-basin in relation to the river network
LAKE Indicator for lake types
ENDO Indicator for endorheic (inland) basins without surface flow connection to the ocean
COAST Indicator for lumped coastal basins
ORDER Indicator of river order (classical ordering system)
SORT Indicator showing the record number (sequence) in which the original polygons are stored in the shapefile
level3 | Basins of major rivers and lakes
content description
HYBAS_ID Unique basin identifier
EXT_DOWN Hybas_id of the next downstream polygon
NEXT_SINK Hybas_id of the next downstream sink
MAIN_BAS Hybas_id of the most downstream sink, i.e. the outlet of the main river basin
DIST_SINK Distance from polygon outlet to the next downstream sink along the river network, in kilometers
DIST_MAIN Distance from polygon outlet to the most downstream sink, i.e. the outlet of the main river basin along the river network, in kilometers
SUB_AREA Area of the individual polygon (i.e. sub-basin), in square kilometers
UP_AREA Total upstream area, in square kilometers
PFAF_ID Pfafstetter code
SIDE Indicates the side of a sub-basin in relation to the river network
LAKE Indicator for lake types
ENDO Indicator for endorheic (inland) basins without surface flow connection to the ocean
COAST Indicator for lumped coastal basins
ORDER Indicator of river order (classical ordering system)
SORT Indicator showing the record number (sequence) in which the original polygons are stored in the shapefile
level12 | Fine-scale basin subdivisions
content description
HYBAS_ID Unique basin identifier
EXT_DOWN Hybas_id of the next downstream polygon
NEXT_SINK Hybas_id of the next downstream sink
MAIN_BAS Hybas_id of the most downstream sink, i.e. the outlet of the main river basin
DIST_SINK Distance from polygon outlet to the next downstream sink along the river network, in kilometers
DIST_MAIN Distance from polygon outlet to the most downstream sink, i.e. the outlet of the main river basin along the river network, in kilometers
SUB_AREA Area of the individual polygon (i.e. sub-basin), in square kilometers
UP_AREA Total upstream area, in square kilometers
PFAF_ID Pfafstetter code
SIDE Indicates the side of a sub-basin in relation to the river network
LAKE Indicator for lake types
ENDO Indicator for endorheic (inland) basins without surface flow connection to the ocean
COAST Indicator for lumped coastal basins
ORDER Indicator of river order (classical ordering system)
SORT Indicator showing the record number (sequence) in which the original polygons are stored in the shapefile

masDMT query

# data call without specifying subdataset and resolution

# data call for specific subdataset 

# data call to subdataset with a specific resolution



[1] Lehner and Grill (2013)