Documenting data

This section describes how to document datasets and how to integrate them in the MAS data catalog.. masDMT makes this registration easier, providing tools to automatically generate complex html records.

When creating a descriptor for a new dataset, we should keep the catalog organization in mind, Let’s peek under the hood. If we look at where posts are stored, we will see something like shown below. As you can see, each dataset has one folder labelled with its unique identifier. For example, the land cover dataset of the climate change initiative (CCI) is recorded as CCI_landCover, the same ID we can provide to list_data() to find the path to the corresponding rasters (see this article for examples on data access).

Keeping our focus on the CCI_landCover dataset, we can obtain further insights on which files a dataset contains. As shown below, this record contains the following files:

  • Rmd: needed by Rmarkdown create an html
  • html: Knited from the Rmd file, used by the website
  • CCI_landCover.png: Preview image of the dataset
  • CCI_landCover_extent.png: Image showing the spatial extent of the dataset
  • CCI_landCover.bib: Bibtex file with literature reference of dataset
  • CCI_landCover.yml: Configuration file with metadata of dataset

Here, the most important thing is the yaml file. This is where we enter metadata required by the catalog, which will be used when automatically generating the Rmd, html, and extent image files. The preview image and the bibtex are optional. Images are expected to have a size of 200x100 pixels. If you don’t feel like cropping images through scripting, I recommend this website.

Creating a new metadata record

As a practical example, let’s create a new metadata record for a hypothetical dataset called land cover. First we use build_descriptor() to setup the data descriptor, creating a file structure we can later feed to the data catalog. We will give this dataset the unique identifier land_cover, and provide a bibtex with its literature references and a preview image.

# specify arguments
path = '/metadata/' # path to directory where to create metadata record
id = 'land_cover' # uique dataset identifier
bib = '/data/bibtex.bib' # path to bibtex
img = '/data/preview.png' # path to preview image

# run function to build dataset repository
build_descriptor(path, id, bibtex=bib, preview=img)

As seen below, the output consists of a folder named land_cover, containing several files with the same name. This includes the bibtex and preview image we provided, together with a yaml file.

  variable: Continuous raster dataset
   value_range: 1...10 (scale factor 0.01)

Documenting metadata

The yaml is copied from within masDMT, and specifies all fields that need completion. The table below lists those fields and provides their description. Notice that some fields have predefined keywords that must be followed.

field description
title Tile of the dataset
dataset_id Unique identifier
short_description Short dataset description, used in preview and included in the extended metadata record
long_description Long dataset description, used only in the extended metadata record
documentation Link to documentation file, or e-mail of whom to reach
data_access link of where to access the data from, or e-mail of whom to reach
license Dataset license
categories Keyword specifying the topic of the dataset, which is used to refine the search for records
status Status of the dataset (one of available, developing, or planned)
format Format of the dataset (one of Grid, Vector, or Table)
spatial_resolution Spatial resolution, expressed as a mixture of a numeric element and a character (e.g. 30m)
temporal_resolution Temporal resolution of dataset (e.g. yearly, multiyear snapshot)
temporal_range Start and end of the period covered by the dataset, expressed as dates (yyyy-mm-dd)
spatial_extent Bounding coordinates of the dataset (min x, max x, min y, max y)
subdatasets List and description of subdatsets

The subdatset field extends further, with one entry for each subdataset. Below we have three examples on how to fill the subdataset section. Note that every subdataset requires a variable description, but additional metadata depends on the nature of the input dataset.

Example A: Continuous raster

As shown in the example below, all continuous raster datasets demand is information on its minimum and maximum values. This requires us to add a value_range field, which we can describe with the minimum and maximum values, providing a scaling factor in parenthesis when applicable.

  variable: continuous raster dataset
   value_range: 1...10 (scale factor 0.01)

Example B: Categorical raster

Categorical raster datasets require some documentation effort. Here, we need to provide a field for each raster value, describing it with the adequate class.

  variable: categorical raster dataset
   1: agriculture
   2: forest
   3: water

Example C: Vector/Table

Vector and tabular datasets impose a similar challenge as categorical rasters. Here, we need to provide each column as a field, and accopany that field with an adequate description.

  variable: tabular dataset
   column_1: description of column 1
   column_2: description of column 2

The examples above demonstrate the documentation of individual subdatasets. However, we can add more than one by following the example below.

  variable: tabular dataset
   column_1: description of column 1
   column_2: description of column 2
  variable: tabular dataset
   column_1: description of column 1
   column_2: description of column 2

Knitting documentation

Before we can add our metadata record into the data catalog, we first need to knit it into an html. To assure the standardization of metadata records, we can se knit_descriptor(). This function reads the yaml file we previously documented, and translates it into a fully formated Rmarkdown file, which is then translated into html.

# use "path" and "id", specified when calling build_descriptor()
knit_descriptor(file.path(path, paste0(id, '.yml')))